Mission Statement
We are a privately-owned Swiss enterprise
The Wipf Group is a Swiss SME with a 100-year heritage. For generations, our corporate culture has focused on traditional Swiss values such as dependability, quality, honesty, and trustworthiness. All affiliates and divisions are managed in the same spirit as self-reliant profit centres.
Our fundamental values are our strengths
A passion for quality, reliability, and a quest for excellence are fundamental values that are reflected by our products and services as well as by our attitude in day-to-day operations. Supported by the know-how and commitment of our employees, these values are the basis for the continuing success of our company through growth and profitability.
Innovation is our hallmark
Responsive and flexible work in project groups that co-operate with customers in finding solutions is what distinguishes us from our competitors. We not only design new packaging systems but also develop innovative concepts in marketing and logistics. By continuously introducing new products, we have gained a reputation as a packaging innovator in our industry.
The success of our customers makes us successful
Our quality and our ability to develop innovative and sound long-term solutions help our customers achieve success. By focusing on specific market segments and customer requirements, we have become market leaders in these segments.
Our employees are co-entrepreneurs
Know-how and a team spirit are our assets, and our employees are our most important resource. A high level of competence is expected and encouraged. We manage by agreed objectives and delegate the greatest possible degree of decision-making authority and responsibility to our employees in their activities on behalf of our customers and our company.
Social stewardship governs what we do
We see ourselves as responsible citizens and members of our society. In addition to our in-house commitment to social benefits, continuing education, and employee safety and health, we maintain good contacts with the communities and authorities of our region and actively endorse environmental protection.